The fact that Boston Mayor Martin Walsh has publicly stated he has not yet taken a position on same-day trash pickup for residential trash and the overwhelming cost to implement the program in certain communities, clearly indicates that the proposed program is not on anyone’s radar at this time.
Over 800 signatures of North End/Waterfront residents supporting the program were handed to Boston City Councilor Sal LaMattina, who coordinated a public hearing at City Hall, where residents from several communities turned out to support the same-day pickup idea.
The plan was taken under advisement by the council committee and will probably never see the light of day because of budget problems.
The idea was a good one, one that this community newspaper supported.
It was a solid community asset to get debris off the streets and control the area’s rodent problem.
However, without the funding to implement such a program, reality has to set in and the community will have to try again when the time is right and the money is in the budget.