Michelle Deveau, the Nazzaro Center’s Youth Worker, was the driving force in a bake sale/fundraiser that the center’s youth and a bunch of volunteers held as part of their Halloween party this past October 31st. As a dedicated advocate of…
Month: November 2013
NEWRA Committees Expresses No Objection to Three Requests
NEWRA Zoning, Licensing and Construction Committee monthly meeting (Nov. 19) involved discussions on two items, a transfer of a beer and wine license and development of projects at the Boston Garden, 80 Causeway Street and the redevelopment of the Government…
Prince St. Restaurant Seeks to Extend License
Artu Restaurant, 6 Prince Street, Nancy Frattaroli has applied to the Mayor’s Office of Consumer Affairs and Licensing to extend the licensed hours for non-live entertainment to 2am. No other license or business changes have been requested. The owner seeks…
Wild Duck Expands Storage Space
The Licensing Board for the City of Boston has approved a request by Sal DiGirolamo, manager of The Wild Duck, 92-96 Salem Street to expand the all alcohol beverage retail establishment into the basement to increase storage capacity. The store…
Cooper Street Legal Occupancy Change Requestedby
Patricia Trodella is attempting to change the legal occupancy at 28-30 Cooper Street from a two family to a three family dwelling, allowing legal use of the first floor as a residence. Prior to a damaging fire a couple of…
Community Groups Support Plans for Seasonal Outdoor Patio
North End resident and businessman Frank DePasquale has purchased the restaurant formerly called Ida’s and the buildings at 2 Mechanic Street and 11 Board Alley. Plans down the road are to renovate the existing residential buildings for short term residential…
A North End Dog Park Is Needed
RUFF, Responsible Urbanites For Fido,, is gathering support for the possibility of having a dog park on Parcel 12 just off Commercial Street. The need for a dog park has become a must situation that has to become a reality…
North End Loud Parties Need to Be Eliminated
The recent Hanover Street loud party incident where three people were arrested on several charges is not the first incident of nasty people urinating from fire escapes and/or rooftops. There is even one incident of people tossing beer bottles at…
NEWNC Tables 5-story Building Request
Boston Transportation Department Commissioner Tom Tinlin told residents at last week’s North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) monthly meeting that his department does investigate fraudulent handicap spots and placards and reports them to the proper authorities. The commissioner also addressed several…
Overcoming Obstacles Is No Problem for Mayor-elect Walsh
Mayor-elect Marty Walsh is no stranger to overcoming obstacles in life. A survivor of cancer and a recovering alcoholic, Walsh has stared adversity in the face many times only to come out on top. So it came as no surprise…