North End resident and businessman Frank DePasquale has purchased the restaurant formerly called Ida’s and the buildings at 2 Mechanic Street and 11 Board Alley.
Plans down the road are to renovate the existing residential buildings for short term residential use. Apparently, the buildings are in dire need of repairs.
DePasquale has also filed with the Licensing Board to transfer Ida’s Beer and Wine License to the owner and add cordials to the license.
In addition DePasquale plans to expand alcohol service to a proposed 48 seat seasonal outdoor dining area in the courtyard located between the buildings and the Summer Tunnel.
According to the owners Attorney William Ferullo, the closing hours of the patio will be 11pm 7 days a week and the closing hours of the 28 seat indoor restaurant will remain at midnight, 7 days a week.
Both neighborhood groups, NEWRA and NEWNC have supported DePasquale’s proposals.