Stop Work Orders Issued on North End Construction Site

By Phil Orlandella

        To the surprise of many residents the Boston Inspectional Services (ISD) suddenly issued a “Stop Work Order” at the construction site at 190-190A Salem Street and 4 Snelling Place, being developed by George McCarthy Horrace Dodd House LLC and general contractor Anthony Bellanti a former ISD General Inspector.

The Stop Work Orders for 190-190A and 4 Snelling place NE Boston.

The job was shut down for alleged violation of Massachusetts code 178cmr, failing to secure necessary permits.

        Abutters have been saying this from the start of the job and have backed their claims up with photos and eyewitness accounts confirming work being done allegedly without proper permitting.

        Anthony Pepicelli, a Michelangelo Street abutter said, “I don’t know why ISD with all the information and actual photos of violations didn’t close the job down much sooner.”

        He said, “If not for the Regional Review publishing articles about our endeavor to correct these illegal violations, no one else was willing to get involved. Why?

        Residents also expressed concerns relating to obstructing the secondary means of emergency egress at 4 Snelling.       

        Residents also pointed out there were safety problems allowing access to the construction site from poorly secure areas. There have been numerous breaches two of them on the same day covered by the Boston media and police response.

        One breach was by a large group of youth that entered the site from a secure area on Hull Street.

        The other was a break in to an abutting home at Snelling Place where a man was arrested while naked, wheeling a hammer.

        Pepicelli has already filed legal action involving air and light issues. The Snelling Place victim is contemplating doing the same relating to the break in.

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