The first monthly meeting, June 11, of the North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council with six new elected members elected officers.
Elected were: President Stephen Passacantilli, Vice-President Jonathan Sproul and Secretary Bill Lane.
The other Council members are: Marie Simboli, Philip Frattaroli, Tony Gilardi, David Marx, Jorge Mendoza, John Premon, Gennaro Riccio, Anne Devlin Tagliaferro and Ryan Kenny.
The Council is elected by residents during annual election at which half the Council (6) runs each year for two year terms.
The group meets the second Monday of each month at the Nazzaro Community Center, 30 North Bennet Street where they address and vote on requests by applicants related to the community.
NEWNC acts as an advisory board to the City of Boston.
This is the second time Passacantilli has served as President.