Besides the usual District A-1 thirty-day crime statistics presented by Captain Thomas Lee, the second half of the NEWRA Public Safety monthly meeting focused on the possible formation of a Neighborhood Watch to assist police with suspicious activities and crimes committed or about to take place.
Crime statistics, especially larceny dropped from 13 to 3 and breaking and entering fell from 14 to 1.
Some other crimes increased including auto theft from 2 to 3, larceny from a motor vehicle went from 1 to 4 and robberies climbed from 0 to 2.
These figures are based on reported and documented statistics compiled by Boston Police. Unreported crimes are not included in the figures.
There were no homicides, sexual assaults, aggravated assaults, graffiti or community disorder complaints registered last month.
While the crime statistics were down, many of the 60 plus residents at the public meeting told police they were not happy with responses to activities in the neighborhood. Still others expressed they were pleased with police responses based on their 911 calls.
Noise on the street, loud parties and rooftop parties, was the main concern expressed by residents. One resident reported a person at a rooftop party on Thatcher Street urinated from the roof onto the street.
Several residents claimed that many of the people coming from Tia’s and the Living Room are the main culprits coming in the North End late night creating noise that is disturbing the quality of life for residents. The same residents claimed these people were young professionals and some students.
Residents clearly indicated that more police presence is required to help clear-up some of the issues presented at the meeting.
Sergeant Tom Lema told the group that last month police responded to “16 calls” relating to loud parties and there are several details on the street, especially on Thursday, Friday and Saturday when Suffolk University pays for the details and assigns an employee to respond to loud parties.
If Suffolk students are involved, their names are taken and presented to the University’s Dean for follow up action including expulsion.
Sgt. Lema also told residents that police have been contacting landlords as well in an attempt to get them to take some sort of action against their tenants.
The next Public Safety meeting will be held on Thursday, July 7 at 6:30pm in the Nazzaro Community Center.
Carolyn MacNeir, Director of the Boston Police Neighborhood Watch Unit, presented residents with everything they need to known about how to start and what a Neighborhood Watch is all about. She was joined by Brian Brandt a local resident who has been out front supporting a Watch.
While the sign-up sheet only had eight names registered to become members, Brandt plans to organize smaller meetings to hopefully develop a Watch in the neighborhood.