Three requests will be discussed at the next NEWRA Zoning, Licensing and Construction Committee meeting.
A new owner is seeking to take over G’Vanni Restaurant located at 2A Prince Street and is seeking the transfer of the business and C.V. Malt and Wine License with Cordials to operate at the same location.
Frank DePasquale is seeking take-out to be added to his current license at Bricco’s Restaurant, 241 Hanover Street. Take-out will include food from the restaurant and bread from a new bakery on the premises. No delivery service and no new signage on the building.
NEWNC voted 5-0 to support DePasquale’s request.
Boston Common Coffee, 97 Salem Street which has operated for over seven years without a Common Victualler License is finally requesting this license from the City of Boston Licensing Board.
One of the owners told the NEWNC that he did not know he was required to have a CV license.
NEWNC voted 5-0 to support the license with no questions asked.
The committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 25 at 7pm at the Pilot House, 2 Atlantic Avenue.