Nonna’s Market, 293A North Street has been closed for about a year.
The Licensing Board for the City of Boston has scheduled a hearing on an application to transfer the retail beer and wine license to a location outside of the neighborhood.
“If transferred there will be ten retail licenses in the North End/Waterfront community,” according to NEWRA Zoning, Licensing and Construction Committee co-chair David Kubiak.
Hot Tomatoes Restaurant, which is now closed, had their beer and wine pouring license transferred to a Hot Tomatoes Restaurant, 92 Bedford Street near Downtown Crossing.
“With this transfer there are now 89 pouring licenses in the North End/Waterfront area covered by NEWRA’s policy,” Kubiak said.
Volle Notte Restaurant, 351 Hanover Street has had two requests for a new beer and wine license rejected by the Licensing Board for the City of Boston without prejudice.
“The owner can reapply at any time for a third hearing and did,” Kubiak said.
In June the Licensing Board rejected an application for a beer and wine license from Cafe L’il Italy, 178 Salem Street without prejudice because no licenses were available.
This request was opposed by NEWRA and NEWNC at their community meetings.
“The owner can reapply at anytime but a new application may require a new round of community review,” Kubiak said.
(Information provided through NEWRA’s ZLC Committee report).