Irene McSweeney, Director of Construction for BWSC explains Salem Street sewer construction project.
A request by Philip Consolo for zoning relief to change a former Hanover Street bakery (Lyndells) to a small take-out restaurant and a request for a 7-Day Common Victualler License was supported by the NEWNC 7-0 at their monthly community meeting.
The new 227 Hanover Street, Hot Tomatoes establishment will also provide delivery and will operate from 11am to 11pm seven days. There will be no seating in the restaurant that plans to serve pizza, pasta dishes, calzones, soft drinks and some other kinds of food.
Attorney Daniel Toscano told the Council that all abutters have been notified. There was no opposition registered by other residents who attended the Council meeting.
James Mansfield of the City of Boston Transportation Department updated Council members and other North End residents on summer statistics on non-resident parking tickets and answered questions.
Mansfield is working with NEWNC to look into the possibility of residents parking in visitors spaces without getting ticketed. He indicated he would look into the many valet parking issues residents expressed at the monthly neighborhood meeting.
As she did at NEWRA, Jeanne Dasaro gave a presentation on her Oral History Project: “North End Stories” that aims to collect, preserve and share the stories of Italian-Americans whose families immigrated to Boston’s North End in the late 19th and early 20th century.
The main topic of the meeting centered on plans by the Boston Water and Sewer Commission to repair the sewerage system from Cross Street to Hull Street, parts of Hanover Court and Stillman Place.
Irene McSweeney Director of Construction for Boston Water and Sewer Commission presented plans to rehabilitate and replace a major section of the Salem Street and how the work would impact residents and businesses.
She advised residents the BWSC would like to start work on October 3 through November 18 and from January 3 to February 14. The working hours would be five-days a week 7am to 4pm. Residents suggested the work should be done from 8am to 5pm. No weekend work is currently scheduled to take place.
The project call for no parking while repairs take place but vehicles can return to the street after the construction for the day is completed.
At times residents and businesses will be asked to limit the use of water, especially flushing of toilets.
The constructor will clean up the area each day at the end of construction.
The work will take place in three phases and BWSC will advise residents well in advance through flyers, leaflets on cars and announcements in the local community newspapers.
BWSC will bait sewers and catch basis well before construction begins to control the rodent issue.
BWSC will have an onsite inspector on the job daily and has established a Hotline 989-7000, 24-7.
The next NEWNC monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 12 at 7pm in the Nazzaro Community Center, 30 North Bennet Street.