North End Against Drugs (NEAD), North End Community Health Center and District Attorney Dan Conley recently teamed up to advise 200 students from St. John and the Eliot Schools about bullying at St. John’s Hall.
Assistant DA Gerry Stewart and other staff from Conley’s office introduced students in attendance to a presentation designed to help protect them from bullying, especially cyber bullying.
"DA Conley has been working with NEAD for over 10 years helping us with Drug Awareness Day, National Night Out and other programs," NEAD President John Romano said.
"NEAD is grateful to Conley and Stewart, two real professionals who will do anything to help kids," Romano said.
Mary Wright NEAD board member and staff person at the North End Community Health Center put this educational event together.
Sister Ilene Principal at St. John School and Traci Griffith Walker Principal at the Eliot School worked with Wright to coordinate this special learning experience.
"Both principals are always willing to work with NEAD to help make these types of programs successful and available to their students," Romano said.
Some student’s parents, teachers from both schools and other guests attended the bullying educational seminar.