There are six agenda items scheduled at the next NEWRA Zoning, Licensing and Construction Committee meeting on Tuesday, October 26 at 7pm at the Pilot House, 2 Atlantic Avenue.
Paul Barker is seeking to change the legal occupancy and use of the first floor at 65 Salem Street from retail with take-out to restaurant with take-out, former location of Go Bananas. Plans call for a capacity of 18 seats.
Vincent Ferrara has applied to the Licensing Board to transfer the C.V. 7-Day Malt and Wine with Cordials License from Cafe L’il to Nuovo Cafe, 76 Salem Street. The existing Cafe L’il license allows service to 11pm.
Henia Marecki is seeking a variance to change the occupancy at 34 Commercial Wharf East by petitioning the existing Henia Beauty Salon/Day Spa to create a residential unit in the rear for use by the owner.
Frank DePasquale has filed plans with ISD to expand Bricco Restaurant into 151 Hanover Street formerly Peter Nobile Insurance Agency, a building DePasquale recently purchased. The expansion will increase the restaurant’s seating capacity, the amount to be determined.
Matthew Sepe is seeking a zoning variance(s) to change the legal occupancy at 19 Cooper Street from commercial (ground floor) and three residential units above to four residential units
Laz Parking, 588 Commercial Street has filed plans with ISD to make several improvements to the existing parking lot at the corner of Commercial Street and Hull Street. Plans include removal of existing sheds, construction of a new structure for parking attendants and equipment, new fencing around the lot and other park improvements..