One of the most discussed topics at North End/Waterfront neighborhood meetings is the possibility of implementing year-round mechanical street cleaning, something the City of Boston Department of Public Works (DPW) feels will make a big difference in keeping the neighborhood cleaner.
If enacted on the scheduled date of Wednesday, December 1, DPW plans to make all the notifications, distribute flyers and post the appropriate signage.
DPW officials have made it clear that weather will play a key role in street sweeping operations.
Residents at several meetings appeared to be fifty-fifty on the idea of year-round mechanical street cleaning mainly because of moving their vehicles.
DPW officials along with other City departments will attend the meeting to fully explain the street cleaning program. Local elected officials will reportedly be at the community meeting as well.
The meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 4 at 7pm in the Nazzaro Community Center, 30 North Bennet Street.