Third Security Breach at North End Site

After two actual security breaches, that occurred several weeks ago on the same day, at a North End construction site at 190-190A Salem Street and 4 Snelling Place that required response by Boston Police, the general contractor Anthony Bellanti, for Horace Dodd House LLC, developer Gregory McCarthy told residents that the site had been secured.

However, he may have been wrong as on a night during the Fishermen’s Feast, several residents allegedly observed a number of youths going in and out of the security barrier at 190 Salem Street.

Reportedly, the access area was supposed to be secured by the developer.

Residents as they have done before, called the police, who quickly responded and were able to gain access to the construction site but allegedly didn’t find anyone on the site.

Several residents noted when they tested the barrier, they also had easy access to the site with just a little effort.

One resident believes the “youth are using the area as a toilet and it’s youth gang related.”

Another resident said, “This is the third time this has happened,” (at least reported).

“The first time that we know of involved a man finding his way to gain access and breaking into a private home and when he was arrested, he was nude, and on the same day, several youths breached a security area on the construction site illegally,” and the police remove them.

Apparently, an unnamed city worker told residents that the “city allegedly has received a lot of calls complaining about the project”.

“If the city is aware of all these complaints, why don’t they do something about them,” a resident said.

In addition to security issues residents claim workers are parking in residential and handicap spaces all day, leaving them looking for spaces.

They indicated that when the street is blocked by the contractor, they are forced to backing up the street to get to where they are going and there are no police details at the blocked area to direct traffic.

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