Armenian Sculpture on Greenway Reconfigured Each Year

Reconfiguration of the Abstract Sculpture at Armenian Park on The Greenway in Boston’s North End, with innovative design features of abstract sculpture is reconfigured each year since 2012.

The Abstract Sculpture is a split rhomboid dodecahedron made of stainless steel and aluminum, commemorates the immigrant experience.

It is reconfigured symbolically of all who pulled away from the country of origin and came to America to establish themselves in new and different ways.

In the spring, a crane lifts and pulls apart and reconfigures the two halves of the split rhomboid dodecahedron to create a new sculpture shape symbolic of a new life.

The Abstract Sculpture sits atop of a reflecting pool which washes over its side and reemerges as a single jet of water at the Labyrinth’s center, representing hope and rebirth.

The Labyrinth, is a circular winding path paved in grass and inlaid stone, that celebrates life’s journey.

Art, Service, Science and Commerce are etched around its circle and symbolizes contributions made to American life and culture.

The Sculpture is dedicated to life lost during the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 and all genocides that have followed.

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