North End businesses and housing development are growing too fast for the small community to handle and there is much more on the horizon.
Each time a business closes and building space becomes available, someone wants to open an eatery or build more housing.
Both situations generate more parking and litter throughout the neighborhood, resulting in less residential parking spaces.
Neighborhood groups and city departments are ignoring the policy of having a certain number of parking spaces available for each unit built in the city. (not street parking).
This simply means unavailable park in each time a new unit pops up in the neighborhood due to wavering the policy.
Due to lack of legal parking spaces, the city is allowing residents to park in a public playground on Foster Street and beside a public school on Charter Street. Both places clearly block access for fire apparatus to respond accurately.
By totally disregarding its own policies on parking to fill their own coffers, the city is continuously creating a public safety and an ongoing parking problem in the North End.
It would appear that rules and policies are made to be broken, mostly for profit.