NEWRA Supports Salem Street Beer and Wine License/Defers Rooftop Request

North End/Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) at its November monthly meeting deferred a request for an expanded roof deck and supported a beer and wine license for an existing Salem Street business.

A request by Alison Bonney to remove the proviso on a permit on the existing roof deck at 536 Commercial Street not to exceed 150 square feet and to increase the roof deck to approximately 367 square feet and install a new guide rail two-feet from the roof’s edge was deferred until the abutter was satisfied his privacy was protected.

From the current roof deck, there is viewing access through his windows, which Attorney Daniel Toscano claims were “placed illegally,” by a former owner.

The abutter and the property owners have met several times on this proposal and based on the Association’s deferral, plan to meet again to iron out issues of concern.

NEWRA was concerned about the plans changing if the building was sold.

Attorney Toscano said, “The owners do not plan to sell.” But residents noted “things change” a new owner under the current proposal would not have to abide with the policies made to the abutter. Attorney Toscano said, “That is true.”

One resident said, “The occupancy to the building is two people, so why do they need to go from a 150 square feet to 367 square foot roof deck?

Jovenil Batista Cristo’s request for a beer and wine license at Theo’s Cozy Corner Restaurant, 162 Salem Street was supported by NEWRA (22-9).

The restaurant has a seating capacity of 19 and a permit to open from 6am-8:30pm.

If Cristo is granted a license he plans to begin serving dinner until 8:30pm. He may also do the same if he doesn’t receive the requested license.

The restaurant currently closes about 3pm each day but will begin serving dinner Tuesday through Saturday.

            The next NEWRA monthly meeting will be held on Thursday, December 10 at 7pm in the Nazzaro Community Center.

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