RUFF invited dog trainer Janet Vera to put on a free dog training session with North End dog owners. The event was a huge success. Between 10-15 dogs and their owners came out and practiced and learned techniques for reliable recall. RUFF thinks this was a valuable session because Janet was able to work one on one with the dog and the owner and help evaluate what was helpful to each.
The free training session lasted about 45minutes, about as much time as the dogs really focused without losing their attention. Janet worked with the owners to use the proper call and body language to get their dog to respond and come when called. She did an amazing job and this was a valuable session for RUFF members. Janet and RUFF hope to do another free training session in June.
RUFF is very focused on promoting education and responsible ownership. These types of events make all the difference. RUFF was THRILLED by the turn out and really impressed what strides the dogs and their owners made by the end of the session. RUFF can not wait to work with Janet again.
Janet Vera is a Certified Pet Dog Trainer who uses positive, force-free dog training methods. Janet trains in the dog’s actual environment where she provides practical, immediate solutions and management for shy, fearful and reactive dogs. She has clients in the North End and comes highly recommended. Interested please email: [email protected] or check out her web site: