It’s one thing to have quality of life issues raised but on the other hand for the most part the community in general has supported all of these requests that are mainly responsible for the loud noise problem.
The issue is not only people coming from the Waterfront, North Station or other businesses adjacent to the neighborhood, it’s coming from within as well.
Boston Police have recently responded and handed out violations to local businesses for servicing customers after hours, open windows after 11pm, fights that start in businesses and eventually wind up on the sidewalks on streets and other disorderly incidents.
North End/Waterfront residents are constantly complaining about late night, early morning noise, vandalism and using the neighborhood as a toilet.
The fact is that this happens on a continuous basis, especially on weekends, and residents should not have their quality of life impacted by this type of situations.
However, many of these loud activities are in part created by residents themselves when hours of operation, seating capacity extensions, beer and wine with cordials and full liquor and entertainment licenses are not opposed at neighborhood meetings, where these request received the go-ahead.
The problem is real and needs to be clamped down on, however, residents have allowed the problem to expand by not attending community meetings and Just Say No!
Some of the problem obviously stems from within but there seems to be no end in sight, only complaints with no action.