13-year-old Tyler Orlandella, former Massachusetts Gymnastic Champion continues to participate successfully in invitational meets throughout New England and other states.
Over the years, Tyler has captured many individual and team awards while competing in numerous tournaments.
Currently competing in a much higher level, Tyler continues to perform well, recently capturing “Best Turn on the Balance Beam Award” at the Candy Cane Classic in Shrewsbury.
Her father Brian and her mother Erinn are very proud of their daughter’s accomplishment in gymnastics.
However, Tyler’s brother Rocco is her biggest fan. “She’s awesome,” he said.
Tyler is the granddaughter of Phil and Mary Orlandella of the Regional Review and former North End residents.
“Tyler’s parents and her brother are terrific supporters and they don’t place any pressure on her,” Phil said.
“She is truly dedicated to gymnastics,” he said.” Tyler doesn’t miss any of her classes and is highly competitive.”
Mary said, “When Tyler visits us, she’s always flipping, springing and form dancing on the lawn or in the house.”
Tyler has the support of the entire Orlandella family and they are also proud of her many accomplishments.
Tyler will be competing in many meets this year, she is planning to participate in several meets in 2014 including invitational tournaments in Tampa and Chicago