As Halloween slowly approaches us, The North End Beautification Committee (NEBC) pilot program which began Memorial Day weekend has proven to be a great success!
This pilot program partnered with Work, Inc. and the Department of Public Works to beautify the streets throughout the North End.
The primary goal of this program is to collect litter on the sidewalks, street curbs and also to clean and wipe down the Big Belly Trash containers. This service will continue throughout the month of November. MSA Mortgage Company, the North End Chamber of Commerce and Four Winds for sponsored this pilot program.
The NEBC is also excited to be able to decorate the North End with a Christmas Tree and would like to continue decorating the planters on the plaza (on the Corner of Cross and Hanover Streets).
Donations are now being accepted to accomplish these goals!  To make a donation, please send a check to North End Beautification Committee, 100 Fulton Street, 4V, Boston, 02109 (Payable to NEBC).