Our Opinions

Voter Turnout Was Horrendous

There were winners and losers in the City of Boston Primary Elections, however the turnout of registered voters was horrendous, especially with the large number of candidates running for political office.

A mayoral, At-Large and District City Council seats were up for grabs, yet the turnout was dismal. For some reason (s) voters didn’t find their way to the polls to vote for any of the many candidates that worked their tails off trying to get elected.

That’s not acceptable and hopefully it will change on November 5 when the final election will be held.

Giving up the right to vote for any reason is like giving up your opinion. Too many times people complain about this and that but don’t express their point of view at the polls.

Those that don’t find the time to vote are the first to complain about quality of lifestyle issues in the city of Boston. Boston’s registered voters on Tuesday, November 5 have a chance to have a say in the destiny of the City of Boston but they need to get out and vote.

Conti is a vital part of neighborhood

Using his trusted camera, writing skills, community knowledge and concern, North End resident Matt Conti has and will continue to provide informational news on NorthEndWaterfront.com.

In addition to his communication services, Matt is involved with assisting neighborhood groups and organizations and makes numerous financial contributions to community activities, events and endeavors.

The word no is not part of Matt’s vocabulary. He’s always ready to do whatever needs to be done in the neighborhood.

Matt’s video presentations are well done and highly informative. His willingness to work together with the Regional Review to share news has become a strong partnership that results in more distribution of information to residents and the business community.

Matt Conti and the NorthEndWaterfront.com is a vital part of the neighborhood and he should be recognized for his tireless efforts to keep the community advised of what’s happening.


Suffolk students participated in North End clean-up project

It took a lot of volunteers to make the recent North End Chamber of Commerce clean-up project the success it was.

Reportedly, close to a hundred people participated in the community endeavor including many students from Suffolk University who worked from 9am to 12 noon cleaning up debris from several North End streets.

The students, as a team, turned in more bags of trash than any other group. Some of these student volunteers live in the North End.

The group as a whole did a great job helping to clean-up the North End and should be recognized for their effort on behalf of the neighborhood.

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