North End residents and the business community are questioning the final signage design and several other items relating to the opening of the new Pinkberry on Hanover Street.
Signage seems to be the major concern. The claim is the current exterior sign is not what the neighborhood approved.
Both North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) and North End/Waterfront Residents’ Association(NEWRA) the two neighborhood groups were shown the signage plans and approved them as long as there were no neon lighting.
The Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) also approved the signage design.
“The owner has visited the site and plans to repaint the white outside trim with a color that will lessen the brightness of the store’s exterior,” Pinkberry’s Attorney Daniel Toscano said.
“My client wants to be a good neighbor and immediately responded to the signage issue,” Toscano noted. “Pinkberry is willing to work with the neighborhood to resolve any issues,” he added.
Residents told the Review that Pinkberry promised to place a Big Belly Barrel in front of the store but the double barrel will not be placed there.
“It was Pinkberry’s intention to place the bigger barrel in front of the store,” Toscano said. “We were unaware that the double barrel would not fit there until we requested to have one placed there. A regular sized barrel will be placed in front of the new business,” he added.
Toscano dispelled the rumor that Pinkberry told the barrel company they were members of the North End Chamber of Commerce in order to obtain a discount.
“What was said was Pinkberry plans to join the Chamber,” according to Toscano. Pinkberry has since joined the Chamber. “Pinkberry wants to be a good neighbor and will hold a community open house on Thursday, August 8 from 4-8pm.,” he concluded.
Some residents told the community newspaper that they “still have concerns” about these issues and others like customers blocking the sidewalk creating a pedestrian and handicap access problem.
They also expressed concerns relating to trash generated from takeout service being thrown on the neighborhood’s streets and sidewalks.
The issues raised created numerous phone calls to elected officials, City Hall, the BRA and the neighborhood groups.