The Tigers, after winning the 2013 North End Athletic Association Divisional Championship, followed up their impressive regular season performance capturing the league’s playoff crown.
“The Tigers looked like the best team in the league right from the start of the season,” NEAA Baseball Commissioner Ralph Martignetti said. “Winning a championship is a great feeling for the players and coaches.”
Coach Dom DiCenso noted, “It was a terrific regular season and playoffs for this team. They played hard and showed a lot of sportsmanship throughout the season.”
NEAA Baseball Coordinator John Romano said, “The Tigers had all the tools to capture both titles and congratulations are in order for a job well done.”
Forziati, Amanda
Toscano, Daniel
D’Ampolo, Valentina
Seaver, Nicholas
Alcott, Robert
DiCenso, Anthony
D’Ampolo, Fortunato
Pagliuca, Richard
Ardolino, Edward
Frechette, Evan
Di Censo, Dominic
Leavitt, Michael
Head Coach Dom DiCenso
Asst Coach Frank DiCenso