Mechanical Street Cleaning in the North End may begin this week as the Boston Public Works Department is undergoing a street condition survey based on the snow left on the streets.
This year, new streets will be posted for sweeping including:
•             Battery Street, from Hanover to Endicott Thursdays 8am-12pm.
•             Clark Street, from Hanover to Commercial Thursdays 8am-12pm.
•             Cross Street, from North Washington to Atlantic Tuesdays 12pm-4pm.
•             Garden Court, from North Square to Fleet Tuesdays 12pm-4pm.
•             Moon Street, from North Square to Fleet Tuesdays 12pm-4pm.
•             Stillman Street, from Salem to Endicott Tuesdays 12pm-4pm.
The program and enforcement for these added streets will begin on April 1. Signs will be posted