RUFF Forced to Abandon Gassy Levels Clean-up

North End pooch Coco attended RUFF’s monthly meeting.

North End pooch Coco attended RUFF’s monthly meeting.

While RUFF is still awaiting its non-profit status the community group is planning potential fundraising events anticipating approval from the Federal Government.

The group conducts monthly meetings at the Nazzaro Community Center, besides establishing fundraisers is attempting to put together events for members like a Doggie Play, where local pooches can get together and run, jump and socialize with each other.

Actually, a tentative date of Tuesday, February 26 has been set. Location and time will be announced on

RUFF members have met with MassDOT and Parks Department officials to discuss the possibility of one or two dog parks in the community. At this time no official sites have been secured.

RUFF plans to hold a neighborhood meeting and contact abutters once a possible site has been determined.

With the exception of the three levels of DeFilippo Playground (Gassy) at which the conditions were deplorable and couldn’t be cleaned, the January monthly clean-up crew did manage to clean the bottom part of the playground, North Street, at the request of residents and Policari Playground planters that were full of dog droppings.

RUFF members described the three levels at the Gassy as a horrific scene. The entire second level the Gassy was completely covered in dog mess to the point there was no space to walk, according to RUFF members. Shovels, boots and gloves were needed to clean this area.

Another RUFF goal is to continue to build and maintain membership, not in just numbers but in force, to make changes in the neighborhood through educating dog owners of their responsibly as residents of the community.

RUFF continues to post signs in parks and playgrounds that depict the dos and don’ts of dog activity in each area. Signs also remind pet owners to pick-up after their dogs.

RUFF is currently celebrating its first anniversary and the group is striving to change the image of dog owners in the North End.

RUFF has set its sights on assisting the North End Library on Parmenter Street. Library staff have contacted RUFF asking for some help with dogs using their planters as toilets. Committee members plan to help clean-up the planters and post signs to prevent this type of activity from happening again.

RUFF also plans to conduct another park and playground or other area clean-ups in February. Date and times to be announced.

The next RUFF monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 19 at 7pm at the Nazzaro Community Center.

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