Loud parties and gatherings cause significant behavior leading to sleep disturbances and anxiety creating a substantial disturbance of the quiet enjoyment of the neighborhoods throughout Boston.
Loud apartment and rooftop parties have created excessive and unnecessary noise in the North End/Waterfront neighborhood for many years and residents have called for some action by elected officials to manage these incidents.
“These uncalled for situations are a threat to the health, safety and quality of life for residents,” said Boston City Councilor Sal LaMattina, who filed and spearheaded the passage of a nuisance control ordinance through the Boston City Council about a week ago.
“Residents have a right to be free from excessive and unnecessary noise,” the Councilor said. “People creating the excessive noise and disturbances as well as property owners should be held accountable for their actions.”
He added, “The Boston City Council and the Mayor have an interest in maintaining the integrity and safety of their neighborhoods and want to ensure that they are free from excessive noise and disruptive behavior.”
“The ordinance, along with Boston Police and the Inspectional Services Department working together will make this work,” LaMattina added. “Residents need to report loud noise incidents to police as soon as possible by dialing 911,” he noted.
The purpose of the ordinance is to protect the health, safety and welfare of residents. The measure will allow the City to impose liability on property owners and other responsible people for the nuisances and harm caused by unruly gatherings on private property and prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages by under aged participants at these gatherings.
“Boston Police or a city official will respond to loud noise activities and report the incident to the Inspectional Services Department for follow-up and potential fines of up to $300 and court action is also possible,” Councilor LaMattina said.
Loud noise parties in apartments or on roof decks have been the number one complaint issued by residents at the monthly Public Safety meetings with Boston Police.
Three rooftop incidents sparked residents to push for some sort of relief from loud noise incidents.
On two occasions on North Margin Street rooftop partiers urinated on the street and a bottle was thrown at police who were responding to a loud noise party on Hanover Street.
District One A-1 Boston Police are working with Suffolk University on weekends to respond to loud noise complaints. A University representative actually rides with police officers. If the incident involves a student from Suffolk University they are reported to the University for disciplinary action or possible suspension.
“The Council is not satisfied that the letter presented is what was represented to the Council in Monday’s meeting, and therefore does not satisfy the contingency our support was based on.  As a result, the vote is nullified and the matter tabled. You may reappear before us at next month’s meeting, however we require that you bring with you a letter from the Condo Association “approving the transfer of the license to The Salem Group (Nester Patino) and expansion of the menu to include restaurant items,” and an approved floor plan. We would also like you to bring a representative of the Condo Association to the meeting, and a record of the vote taken to secure the letter of approval. Secondly, we require you to do neighborhood notification again. This time the letter should include the information about the new meeting, the new floor plan, and the following language: “The Salem Group is seeking a transfer of the beer, wine and cordial license from Saporo Di Napoli. The Salem Group plans for the space include the expansion of the menu offerings to include restaurant items and change of the floor plan.”