Attendance at the monthly Boston Police District A-1 Public Safety meeting held in the Nazzaro Community Center continues to grow.
Last week’s public meeting drew about 50 residents that were provided crime statistics over the past 30 days.
Residents asked many questions and make several suggestions to Commanding Officer Captain Thomas Lee, Sergeant Tom Lema and Officer Ted Boyle who attend most of if not all of the Public Safety Committee meetings.
District One Boston City Councilor Sal LaMattina updated residents on his Noise Ordinance which has already had a public hearing.
The bill if enacted will give police the ability to ticket tenants and/or landlords for conducting loud noise parties in apartments or rooftops. Fines will start at $100 and could reach $300 for recurring incidents.
“The ordinance could get to the full Council this or next week for a vote,” Councilor LaMattina noted. “Before that there will be a Working Session with police and city officials to work out the policy,” he added.
Residents told the Councilor that they liked the bill and thanked him for his efforts to help make the community a quieter place in which to live.
The police also received their share of compliments from residents relating to the good job they are doing in the neighborhood.
Police presented crime statistics comparisons of the past 30 days to the same month last year. Only two categories, larceny (9 to 11) and community disorder (0 to 2) increased. Breaking and entering, auto theft and graffiti remained the same.
Larceny from a motor vehicle decreased from 4 to 3 and robberies went from 2 to 1. There were no homicides or sexual assaults during the 30 day time frame. Police wrote 112 motor vehicle violations and issued 374 parking violations.
Captain Lee stated, “Police detail at Bova’s Bakery is still in place and the officer assigned is helping to keep the noise level down during the early morning hours.”
“Police are asking the Cafe Pompei which has a 4am closing hour to hire a police detail to help control loud noise,” Captain Lee added.
According to police records, officers have responded to several loud noise parties and dispersed them and made some arrests.
Stolen bikes appears to be happening more often according to police. Vehicle, apartments and business breaking and entering crime have also resulted in some arrests.
The next Public Safety meeting will be held on Thursday, December 6 at 6:30pm in the Nazzaro Community Center.