Five North End women were recently installed as officers of Court Ausonia 781 at a recent ceremony held at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross.
The newly elected officers are: Regent-Margurita Farmusa, Vice-Regent-Peg Capobianca, Treasurer-Michele Morgan, Financial Secretary-Sonia Frissora and Secretary-Doris Sennott.
Six Courts of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas assembled for installation dressed in their regal robes indicative of the office they hold.
Reverend Kevin O’Leary, Pastor of the Cathedral and State Regent Connie Pagan of the Catholic Daughters handled the installation.
Court Ausonia has a long history in the North End and it is one of the oldest Courts of the Catholic Daughters in Massachusetts.
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is the largest Catholic women’s organizations in the world.
The group holds regular monthly meetings at Saint Stephen’s Rectory on Clark Street.