In an attempt to repair ongoing storm weather infiltration at the historic Paul Revere House and the adjacent Pierce/Highborn House located at North Square, the oldest public square in the United States, the National Park Service, US Department of the Interior has awarded the Memorial Association $543,000.
The funding will also be used to provide handicapped accessibility to the Paul Revere House.
Both US Senator John F. Kerry and Congressman Mike Capuano played key roles in securing the necessary funding for the major repairs and the handicapped access addition.
“The Paul Revere House is an historic North End and national treasure, and this investment will keep it preserved and accessible for generations to come,” stated Senator Kerry.
“The Paul Revere House is an important historical landmark and popular tourist attraction that provides a window into the Revolutionary War period,” stated Congressman Capuano.
This project is part of a larger capital project that will transform the Paul Revere House Historic Complex through the addition of an education and visitor center. For the first time, the Revere House will be fully accessible and will have key visitor amenities such as public restrooms. Public program space will increase 400%.
Nina Zanier, Executive Director of the Paul Revere Memorial Association stated, “When we began our capital campaign, we knew that National Park Service funds would be essential to our success. We raised almost $2,000,000 from private sources and are preparing for our final construction phase. This award could not have come at a better time.”