The group expressed some concerns about the drainage in the playground but in turn praised the great work being done on the grant part of the walls.
They will be requesting final plans from the City on the Children’s Play Lot with some drainage concerns in mind.
Catch basins were also a concern with members questioning what will be done to prevent them from blocking up again.
The committee’s next goal is to somehow manage to clean and make repairs in the Paul Revere Mall (Prado) located between Hanover and Unity Streets on the Freedom Trail.
Members felt the Prado was rundown and in dire need of some refurbishing and a major clean up of debris and dog droppings.
The community group is considering holding a major memorial event in the Prado, honoring Cyius E. Dallan the famous sculpture of Paul Revere located in the Mall. The group is attempting to coordinate this event in late March or early April.
They hope to get the City, elected officials, historical agencies and many other groups involved.
Because of legal issues, the committee was advised that the now defunct printing plant and police station on North Street, neither the North Bennet Street School or the Eliot School moving into these facilities as slim and none.
NBSS officials have clearly stated that unless they can find additional space for the school’s needs they will be forced to move out of the North End. NBSS has already moved two classes to Arlington.
Eliot School plans have not been revealed but space is also their problem.
Committee chair Anne Pistorio told members the Copps Hill Terrace has a real bad rodent problem on Commercial Street.
The next committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 4 at 7pm in the Nazzaro Community Center, 30 North Bennet Street.