-By Phil Orlandella

Residents had the chance to voice their concerns about congestion on Hanover Strreet during a meeting with City Councilor Sal LaMattina and State Rep. Aaron Michlewitz.
Hanover Street vehicle and pedestrian traffic has once again become a major issue in the North End.
Deliveries, valet parking, street furniture, sidewalk congestion and double parking on Hanover Street has gotten out of hand residents told Councilor Sal LaMattina and Representative Aaron Michlewitz at a neighborhood meeting.
Residents told elected officials that they are forced to walk on the street because the sidewalks have become impassable due to long lines at local businesses. They also noted that valet parkers are using their drop-off spot for parking, creating a situation where other customers are forced to double park.
Another concern was delivery vehicles and shoppers are double parking making Hanover Street almost impassable creating a public safety problem and making it difficult for emergency vehicles to get through.
Both LaMattina and Michlewitz told residents they are currently working with the Mayor’s Office and various city agencies to beef-up enforcement rules and regulations that are in place. They are also calling for establishing a delivery time of 8am to 12 noon in the North End.
Reportedly the North End Chamber of Commerce is also attempting to create a delivery time restriction according to the group’s President Frank DePasquale.
As far as the streets being cleaner, the City of Boston Department of Public Works is getting the job done according to Councilor LaMattina.
Senator Anthony Petruccelli is working with Michlewitz and LaMattina to resolve some of the Hanover Street issues and concerns.
Councilor LaMattina also indicated that he will attempt to form an independent study to evaluate Hanover Street.