by Phil Orlandella
Senator Anthony Petruccelli and Representative Aaron Michlewitz took time out from their busy schedules to participate in a reading program with the children at ABCD’s North End Head Start Program on Moon Street.
Both elected officials have supported the local Head Start Program throughout the years and are currently attempting to secure additional state funding to help the North End Head Start Program and those across the city to remain operational.
“Head Start is a terrific education program that services young children and their parents,” Senator Petruccelli said.
“I visit Head Start frequently, Representative Michlewitz said. “They have a great staff and the programs offered help make a difference to the students and their moms and dads.”
Head Start Program Administrator Marilyn Frissora calls Sen. Petruccelli and Rep. Michlewitz “two young elected officials who care about Head Start and have shown it on several occasions.”