Charlie Baker’s visit here Sunday brought him back to where the campaign began many months back.
He had just hired his campaign director when he first came to the North End to meet with local people last November.
Then he sipped coffee with a group of influential North Enders at a time held in his honor at a local café off Hanover Street.
Deval Patrick made similar forays into the North End over the past year seeking to reignite the flame of interest that first got him elected in 2006.
His many visits here culminating with a major visit two Sundays ago indicates how important a place like the North End has become to the governor.
Who is the North End going to vote for?
We’ll let you know that after the election.
We do know this – the North End is a major Democratic stronghold. From top to bottom, this neighborhood is a Democratic kingdom
All the major players in the political realm in the North End have said they stand with the governor, and with Steve Grossman for Treasurer.
This includes Boston City Councillor Sal LaMattina, State Senator Anthony Petruccelli, and Representative Aaron Michlewitz.
Grossman appeared here over the weekend at a well-attended rally – a dinner held for him at Pagliuca’s Restaurant.
Patrick’s most recent visit found him at the Improv Asylum on Hanover Street meeting with parents and their children at a North End Against Drugs rally.
Over pizza and drinks, Patrick made his way through the crowd of young people that gathered in a circle around him.
Later, on Hanover Street, Patrick walked nearly the length of it from the Improve up to the fire station.
Many said he appeared a bit like a rock star, with many people asking him for a photograph, taking pictures of him with their cell phones, and crowding around him whenever he stopped to talk.
Bottom line, polls show the race is close between Patrick, Baker. Timmy Cahill by all accounts, is out of it.
We’re not sure how close the race is in the North End.
In the North End, residents and politicians here are going all out for the governor.
Such efforts should have an effect.
To residents here we have talked with, the governor is more down to earth.
He understands more about the sufferings of others.
And he loves Italian food more than Charlie Baker.