Nine elephants, and four clowns from Ringling Brothers Circus enchanted hundreds of local children and their parents as well as visitors to Hanover Street Thursday morning.
At about 11:30 a.m., the elephants made their way from outside the Coast Guard Base onto Hanover Street for a triumphant march to a table loaded with bananas, oranges, apples and baked breads for a feast exactly in front of Paul Revere Park on a gorgeous fall day.
Four clowns from the circus provided great entertainment for the kids – all of whom seemed mesmerized by the activities going on in front of them.
All of this was the annual precursor to the circus being in town.
The elephants devoured the goodies on their long table.
And by the way, all the elephants on Hanover Street were females ranging in age from 14 to 56, according to their trainer.
Children were allowed to ask the trainer questions about the elephants.