Letter to the Editor

Dispose of Trash Properly

To the Editor,

Responding to the Cutillo Park rodent problem article in regional review August 1, 2024 “Restaurant owners take responsibility.”

The rodent problem in Cutillo park is long over due, it has been going on for a long time, as long as the City of Boston; Mayor Wu and our Representatives in the North End don’t tackle this problem by allowing these containers that are filled with dirty oil and trash the problem will never go away. There should be a New trash policy for Restaurant owners. Restaurant owners never cleaned or power washed that park area in years, disgusting rodents all over the area and in the park where children play. Health issue not only for children but for the residents that live close to the park. Restaurant owners that own a restaurant shouldn’t be allowed to put their trash in any area but in front of their Restaurant at night make provisions to have those containers picked up and cleaned. You own the restaurant it’s your responsibility to have it taken care.  The residents don’t have to put with your trash let along the daily trash from the residents and renters and tourist. Restaurant owners should have a spot in their restaurant when they buy the business. This should be the first and most important agenda on the newnc and the newra. Where are you putting your trash? If our Representatives for the north end lived in that area these containers would be long gone.

We have enough rodents running around in our own area day or night because residents and renters and absentee landlords that don’t talk to their tenants about disposing of their trash on Saturday and Sunday afternoon when there is no trash pickup, we’ll never get rid of the rodent problem if we don’t dispose of our trash properly on the days of pick up.

Marie C Simboli

North end resident

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