A recent report issued by the Center for American Progress (CAP) and the Center of Earth, Energy, and Democracy (CEED) specifically highlights the significant progress being made in Boston under the leadership of Mayor Martin Walsh of the inclusion of equity goals and principle in the City’s climate action and preparedness plans.
The report recognizes efforts by the Mayor to curb carbon pollution and fight climate changes while taking concrete steps to improve climate change resilience.
The report: A Framework or Local Action on Climate change; 9 Ways Mayors Can Build Resilient and Just Cities recognizes cities and Mayors.
For positive gains to curb climate control problems by development and implementing strategies to address them.
This commitment is both ambitious and essential to ensuring climate change resulting in a resilient and prosperous future for Boston.
Both CAP and CEED, after assessing dozens of city climate action and resilience plans found Mayor Walsh’s Resilience Boston plan puts forth the most comprehensive, action-oriented strategy that serves as a model for other cities.
Boston has implemented several plans and initiatives, leading the way on equitable climate resiliency including: Imagine Boston 2030, Resilient Boston, Climate Ready Boston, Climate Ready Boston Leaders, Greenovate Boston, The Boston Community Energy Study and Zero Waste Boston.
It appears that the Mayor is setting an example of how to deal with climate control.