Three agenda items were supported by the North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) at its November monthly meeting held in the Nazzaro Community Center.
Theo’s Cozy Corner, 162 Salem Street (owner Jovenil Batista Cristo) receive support to pursue a Common Victualler seven-day Malt and Wine License to be served in the first floor restaurant that currently has 19 seats. The vote was 6-0.
Cristo plans to open seven-days a week from 6am to 8:30pm which his license calls for.
One abutter complained about the venting system which is allowed but is creating things in his unit to move around.
NEWNC noted that the resident and the owner work this problem out themselves.
The Council voted 5-1 to support a request by Alison Bonney, 536 Commercial Street to expand the existing roof deck from 150 square feet to approximately 367 square feet.
One abutter was concerned with his privacy but supported the plan that provided a lot of greenery and a little more privacy.
Attorney Daniel Toscano represented the applicant.
A request to open a Peete’s Coffee and Tea business at 50 Salem Street, formerly Goody Glovers was supported by the Council by a 5-2 vote.
Peete’s will be open seven-days a week with a seating capacity of 50, twenty-four inside and twenty-six outside.
Other than brewing coffee, there will be no cooking at the site. All products will be delivered.
           The NEWNC monthly meeting will be held on Monday, December 14 at 7pm in the Nazzaro Community Center.