Boston’s Homes for the Brave charging forward
No veteran should have to sleep on the street and Boston is going to change that. This is the battle cry of Boston Mayor Martin Walsh and his administration.
A commitment to end veterans homelessness has thus far produced 367, possibly more housing since the Mayor launch the program in July 2014.
The initiative “Boston Homes for the Brave” involves all Boston agencies that work with homeless veterans.
The city’s entire community of providers’ goal of ending veterans homelessness appears to be heading in the right direction for the men and women who served this country.
According to the Administration, “All currently homeless veterans will be either house or on a pathway to stable housing by the end of 2015.
Everyone attempting to accomplish this totally positive goal should be recognized and commended for their commitment to assist homeless veterans.
New Health CEO Jim Luisi elected NACHC Chair
North End Waterfront Health CEO Jim Luisi has been named chairman of the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) and will begin his term in 2017.
Luisi, while serving as the organization’s top elected official will continue to lead the local health center as he has done for many years.
He has served as an active member with the organization, as Vice-Chair for two years and Speaker of the House for six years.
Under his guidance, Luisi has coordinated the positive growth of New Health and believes community health centers will continue to thrive despite the many changes in healthcare in recent years.
As Chair, Luisi’s priorities will be developing a permanent fix to health care funding, and improving quality of care for patients.
Being chair of a National Organization and CEO of New Health is a major task but Jim Luisi will put his best foot forward and as usual will get the job done in a professional and productive manner.
North End/Waterfront crime statistics always low
Based on the Part One Crime statistics in the North End/Waterfront neighborhood, which is part of the District A-1 Boston Police community has the lowest crime rate of any other community in Boston.
For several years, the neighborhood has been blessed with a caring Commanding Officer including the current one, Captain Ken Fong who is well respected by local residents.
Having a basically crime free neighborhood takes outstanding cooperation between police and residents working hand in hand to resolve problems. Sometimes even before they occur.
Conducting a monthly North End/Waterfront Public Safety meeting certainly helps with keeping the Part One Crime rate down.
District A-1 Boston Police have attempted to respond to all 911 calls as soon as possible and have handled other situations like loud noise parties in a timely manner as well.
Captain Fong and his command deserve recognition for keeping the North End/Waterfront community relatively crime free.
When you see a police officer, give him a thumbs up for doing a great job.
Feasts posed no problems
The numerous North End feast are over for the summer and to their credit, everyone involved in putting together these traditional neighborhood attractions. There were no major problems to speak of.
Solid coordination by societies, police and the city made for smooth operations each weekend.
Sidewalk Signs need to be addressed
North End sidewalks are full of sandwich boards that are used for marketing purposes by local businesses.
While the boards are a great tool for attracting customers they create a sidewalk pedestrian access, especially for the elderly and handicapped people.
A public hearing called for Boston City Councilor Michael Flaherty, was held to address the issue resulting in city officials stating they will look at the problem and hopefully find a clear and equitable solution that doesn’t encourage small business owners from displaying sandwich boards as a critical marketing tool.
At the same time making sure there is clear access for people to use sidewalks. Apparently, city officials believe there is confusion among small business owners and city departments regarding what kind and when signs are permitted.
Apparently, the confusion stems from the fact that there are several parties overseeing this policy and regulations, including enforcement. “Too many hands spoil the soup.”
Reportedly, city zoning contains signage regulations that vary in different neighborhoods, business districts and sub-districts. How can this be possible. Should the policing be the same throughout the city?
Sidewalk signs on many streets are completely out of hand and a message from the city needs to be clearly made to correct the problem.
           Councilor Flaherty has done his part to deal with the issue, now the city has to respond with a policy that could satisfy all parties.