Thus far, the full closure of the Callahan tunnel for major repairs has been for the most part just an inconvenience.
No major traffic issues have taken place due to the closure, not the mess some expected to occur.
Reaching out to neighborhoods, online maps services, radio, print and TV, MassDOT did get a clear message out to the motorist relating to alternative routes available to them.
MassDOT also posted detours on their website www.mass.govmassdot/callahantunnel rehab.
This week will be the real test as the system will take place at the usual main rush hours and not the slower traffic numbers between the holidays.
MassDOT has and will continue to do whatever is needed to make life a little easier during the required rehabilitation project for those on the roadways.
However, it won’t work unless motorist plan for their commute on a regular basis over the next two months.
So far, it ain’t too bad!