The weekend was about gray skies and rain. Monday came up gray and rainy. The weathermen and women on Boston’s major television stations are all predicting a week of gray and rain at a time when all of us want to be wearing short sleeve shirts and shorts, and taking long walks by the Charles or in our parks or on the sidewalks of this city’s great neighborhoods.
Instead, we are dealing with gray and rain and temperatures that do nothing for the spirit even though it isn’t cold any longer.
We hate to say it, but this spring is tending to look a lot like the spring we experienced two years ago, which led to a summer without sun or warmth or a beach day until the second week of July.
Rainfall so far is at the seasonal average even though hours of sunlight have been hard to come by.
What is in store for us?
As the weather forecasters tend to tell us everyday – anything can happen and often does with the New England weather. The weather, as all of us living here know, tends to change everyday and sometimes when at its crankiest, changes from hour to hour.
This week, it appears, is going to be without change because a weather front we’re stuck in is making the air above us and all around immovable. Thus, the gray clouds and skies and the wetness falling out of them is what is in store for us.
The outlook is so bleak that the coming weekend is already considered a bust by weather forecasters telling us there will be no sun until next week.
It can arguably be agreed by reasonable people that having rain and no sun for a week in May is not the end of the world. It would be worse if this were June.
The problem is that New Englanders get only a precious small amount of time to enjoy the warmth of spring and the heat of summer and what lingers afterward in the early fall.
That’s it. There is nothing else to warm the heart and soul in this region during these few months.
To think of a large bit of it taken away before it has even begun, well, that’s what can be bothersome and frankly, it is what we are now facing.