Looking Back: The Queen’s Visit in 1976

Queen Elizabeth looks towards the camera during the July 4th Sunday morning service at the Old North Church.

Queen Elizabeth looks towards the camera during the July 4th Sunday morning service at the Old North Church.

During the summer of 1976, the nation celebrated its 200th anniversary.  In recognition of this special event, Elizabeth II, Queen of England, agreed to visit Boston and attend the July 4th Sunday morning service at the Old North Church, an event orchestrated by the then Special Assistant to the Vicar, Barry Dawson.  Barry was a minister in England and spent several months a year at Old North, conducting services and ministering to the congregation.

The Queen and Prince Phillip arrived on the Royal Yacht, Britannia, which was moored in the Charlestown Navy Yard.  The Sunday service was open to all members of the congregation, as well as honored guests, all of whom registered in advance and were assigned pews.

That summer Sunday the weather was very warm and sunny.  This, combined with the crowded church and television cameras, made an extremely hot ambience for all present.

The service began with a procession down the center aisle: Robert Golledge, Vicar, followed by the Queen, Prince Phillip and clergy.

All the dignitaries were seated on the elevated platform at the front of the church, facing the congregation.  The queen wore a beautiful dress with matching hat. She was much more attractive than portrayed by her photographs. Prince Phillip was handsome in bearing and appearance.

The queen greeted and thanked the congregation for inviting her; Phillip delivered one of the gospel readings with his impeccable British accent.  The service was exceedingly impressive, especially when one considers that this celebration commemorated the revolutionary war and separation from England!  However, “God Save the Queen”! was sung.

After the service, reportedly at the Queen’s request, she and Prince Phillip deviated from the scripted schedule and asked to be driven around Boston.  They were greeted by cheering Bostonians along the route. Later there were receptions for invited guests on the royal yacht.

The Queen’s visit was truly a memorable event in the rich heritage of the Old North Church.

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