Coming off a 13-12 Little League victory over Italy, the North End Athletic Association has entered an older team 13-15 in the upcoming annual Japan-Boston Baseball Exchange sponsored by the Red Sox Foundation.
“Playing against elite teams from International countries is a terrific opportunity for NEAA teams and coaches,” Baseball Coordinator John Romano said. “This will be an annual game.”
Romano noted that the NEAA hopes to see a large turnout for this special baseball game that will feature some of the best 13-15 year old players the North End has to offer.
Coaching the team will be Ralph Martignetti and Frank Iudiciani.
In its inauguration year, five years ago, the Japanese boys and their coaches traveled to Boston, the following year, Japan was the host of this baseball exchange, and in its third year, the Japanese team were back in Boston, according to Romano.
However, the devastating Tsunami prevented the exchange from taking place in Japan, so the fourth year, the tournament once again takes place in Boston, Romano explained.
Due to Red Sox celebrating the Centennial year of the opening of Fenway Park, the Foundation decided that Boston should once again be the 2012 host of the exchange, Romano noted.
The team from Japan will be competing against other Boston neighborhood teams during their visit.
The game versus the North End will be held on Thursday, August 2 at Puopolo Park on Commercial Street. Game time is 9am.
A post game “Dunk in the Mirabella Pool” will take place.
The game is free of charge and everyone is welcome to attend this International Baseball Game versus Japan and the North End.