NEWNC votes to defer beer and wine license request
Due to the applicant not providing the required paperwork, the North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) following a lengthy discussion voted to defer a request by Mother Anna’s Restaurant, 211-213 Hanover Street for a beer and wine license to replace the license they sold.
The Council voted to support a zoning variance to expand the existing blueprint for a new restaurant Pappare at 358-364 Hanover Street into adjacent office space with a bar and additional seating.
The Council at its June monthly meeting also held elections of officers. President Kevin Fleming, Vice President Adam Balsan, Secretary Alex Chilton and Sergeant at Arms Rory Harrington.
The next NEWRA monthly public meeting will be held at the Nazzaro Community Center, 30 North Bennet Street at 6:30 PM.
NEWRA supports variance relief for new restaurant
By a vote of 9-7 the North End/Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) supported a request filled by Frank Pollino for zoning relief to expand the space at 358 Hanover Street to 84 seats and a small bar.
The new eatery Pappare is also seeking a beer and wine license.
Also, at NEWRA’s June monthly public meeting, Police Captain Zach Crosson gave an update on public safety for this year’s North End society feasts.
Feast goers will not be allowed to take large items into the area for precautionary reasons.
Kristen Hoffman gives update on Cutillo Park
Kristen Hoffman President of Cutillo Park Committee gave an update on the long-awaited opening of the Stillman Street Park.
Hoffman told NEWRA members that the city has invested two million in Cutillo Park renovations and the long-awaited opening of the community park has been delayed by contractor issues.
She noted that “The Parks Department told her they were aiming to open the park in the next couple weeks.” No confirmation has been reported.
Hoffman claimed the “opening is also complicated by rat issues in the area adjacent to the park” on Morton Street.
She added, “Right now there are rat traps all over the park and maybe they (BPD) can’t open with that going on.”
“The real issue is the condition that exists on Morton Street that has been covered with trash since the 70s and the situation has only become worse since the city in 2018, gave a few (6) restaurants the right to store trash there.”
She said, “It is so bad that even the neighbors are not able to clean it up anymore.”
North End the pool opens June 27
It looks like the Mirabella Pool on Commercial Street, will open June 27. This summer the pool will be closed on Mondays.
Registration forms for pool goers can be obtained at the Nazzaro Community Center, 30 North Bennet Street.
Mood Café opens on Salem Street
A couple of weeks ago, a new restaurant opened in the North End-Mood Café, 115 Salem Street.
The Mediterranean eatery is serving breakfast, lunch and dinner five days a week and also serves fresh juice and lattes.
The 40-seat restaurant is open Monday and Tuesday’s 8 AM to 10 PM, Thursday, Friday 8 AM to 11 PM and Sunday 9 AM to 10 PM.
Owner Mahmoud Osman, General Manager Fatima Ibrahim.
Word on the street is Mood Café has great service, a nice atmosphere and good food.
New Sculpture proposed for Greenway North End Park
In partnership with The Greenway Conservancy, Public Art Program, Artist Larissa Rogers will conduct an “Open Call for Soil” looking for the community to collect soil from a place of significance for the production of her sculpture “Going to the Ground”.
The proposed sculpture on The Greenway, North End Park along Cross Street will highlight the legacy of Zipporah Porter Atkins, the first know black woman to own a house in Boston, back in 1670.
Her home was on land now cared for by The Greenway.
Critically acclaimed play ‘Revolution’s Edge’ playing at Old North Church
Live community plays offer audiences a close-up view of the production that generates a feeling of being a part of the performance while placing them in the center of the show.
This summer, the second season of the original production, the critically acclaimed “Revolution’s Edge” will be performed by the cast of Plays in Place at the sanctuary of the Old North Church and Historic Site located on Salem Street in Boston’s North End.
The 45-minute play will run four nights a week in partnership with the Old North Illuminated which operates the historic site.
Set in Boston’s oldest surviving church, on April 18, 1775, the day before the Battle of Lexington and Concord and before the famous “One if by Land Two if by Sea” lantern signal that warned Patriots of British troops movement, the play engages in conversation that explores the intersection of faith and freedom on the edge of the American Revolution.
Written by Patrick Gabridge, directed by Alexandra Smith and produced by Jesse Meyer the play explores the nation’s complex origins breaking down the misconception that cause the labeling of Patriots and Loyalists as “good and bad” or “us and them”.
For information visit
NEW Health Participates in State House Health Center Day
North End Waterfront Health (NEW Health) recently participated in the Massachusetts League of Community Center’s Health Center Day at the State House.
Non-profit health centers joined NEW Health to educate legislators, state officials and the community on the importance of health and hygiene.
The focus of NEW Health was dental hygiene showcasing its services such as implant restorations, oral surgery, pediatric dentistry, and root planting.
New Dialysis Den
North End Rehabilitation and Health Care Center, 70 Fulton Street has enhanced its chronic disease management program with the opening of an onside hemodialysis unit.
The new “dialysis den” is designed to improve patients’ quality of life and recovery process within the subacute care setting.
FOCCP Independence Day Celebration
This year’s Friends of Christopher Columbus Park (FOCCP) friendly, entertaining family fun filled Independence Day Celebration offers something to do for the entire family.
FOCCP said, “On Saturday, June 29 from 12-3:30 PM get ready for a fun filled summer afternoon with friends, neighbors and family members for a day of activities for everyone to enjoy.”
Featured at the annual popular FOCCP event will include:
Peter the Magician.
Big Joe will present wonderful and funny stories.
Paul’s Reptile Circus, a hands-on experience.
Balloon animals and giant bubbles presented by Bruce Fun Company.
Lawn games, face painting and fall crafts will also take place at this special FOCCP community event.
There will also be a parade around the park.
Volunteers will be selling raffle tickets to win passes to the Aquarium, the Greenway Carousel, the Tea Party Museum, Boston by Foot “Little Feet” tours and more.
All activities are open and free to the public.
NEAA Soccer registration underway
Registration is currently underway for the 2024 North End Athletic Association (NEAA) Fall Soccer Program, with a deadline of August 1.
The program is made up of three coed age groups including an instructional program on Saturdays 9AM to 10AM for 4–5-year-olds,
The 6–8-year-old program has practices on Tuesday evenings at 5:30PM with games on Saturday mornings 10:15AM to 11:15AM.
A program for 9–12-year-olds have practices on Thursday evenings at 5:30PM and games on Saturday from 10:30AM to 12:30PM.
All events are held at Langone Park on Commercial Street.
The program runs for 8 weeks starting September 7 running through November 2, 2024.
Registration is $65.00 per player. To register go to
Register early, space is limited.
NEAA End of the Year Baseball Extravaganza June 22
Are you ready for some good youth baseball?
Well, that’s what the North End Athletic Association (NEAA) End of the Year Baseball Extravaganza on Sunday, June 22 promises to be, with six schedule games at Langone Park and Puopolo Field on Commercial Street.
“This is going to be a great family fun filled day,” NEAA Baseball Coordinator John Romano said.
“Besides six good games of youth baseball, we’ll have face painting, a balloon artist, pizza and soft beverages.”
The Extravaganza features two games between the 9-10- and 9–12-year-old players from the Charlestown Little League and the North End All Stars.
First game starts at 4:45 PM with the second contest beginning at 7 PM. Awards will be presented following each game.
Baseball events. Instructional League (4-year-olds) Langone Field 10:15 AM.
T-Ball (5-year-olds) Langone Field 10:30 AM.
Minor League Games, Rockies vs Orioles 1 PM, Puopolo Park, Pool side, Padres vs Rays 1 PM, Puopolo Park Bocce side, Athletics vs Phillies 2:30 PM, Puopolo Field, Bocce side. Awards will be presented after each game.