An expansion proposal by the owner of the Daily Catch located at 65-69 Atlantic Avenue was recently opposed (3-15) by the North End/Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA).
Owner Maria Freddura has proposed expansion of the eatery into the adjacent 650 square foot property, a former laser studio, and create 80 outdoor seating for patrons.
The plans would need relief from the Zoning Board of Appeal and an amendment to the business alcohol license.
While NEWRA did not vote on the City of Boston and the MBTA plan for potential bus lane improvements on the North Washington Street Bridge, the community organization did not appear to have any problem with the proposal, calling for one northbound lane of traffic to be dedicated to a bus lane.
Once put in place, there will not be any impact to existing parking on the bike lane.
Some problems and concerns were generated to plans by the Chiofaro Company for a 600-foot height building with approximately 865 square feet of about 200 residential units, office space and ground floor retail space, and other uses to activate the streetscape in a single building with below-grade parking and public realm improvements.
NEWRA did not vote on the proposal but had several questions relating to the plans. They plan to send a letter expressing concern to the Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
Opposing the project were the New England Aquarium and the Dewey Square Group that also expressed concerns.
The project is still in the public comment review state.
The next NEWRA monthly meeting will be held on Thursday, October 8. Time to be announced.