Pouring rain didn’t stop numerous residents and others from turning out for the North End/Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) November monthly meeting at the Nazzaro Community Center.
While there was a lot of discussion on local issues including committee reports, the Association voted to support two agenda items.
By a vote of 22-1 the members supported a request from Franco LLC, manager Frank Pellino, to transfer the existing Malt and Wine with Cordials of G’Vanni’s Restaurant, 2A Prince Street to operate a new restaurant at the same location which has 36 seats. The owner plans to have open windows which will be closed no later than 11pm.
A request by Frank DePasquale to add take-out service to his existing license at Bricco’s Restaurant, 241 Hanover Street was supported by a 16-9 vote with one abstention.
The next committee meeting will be held on Thursday, December 8 at 7pm in the Nazzaro Community Center, 30 North Bennet Street.