Two policy amendments were voted on and passed at last week’s North End/Waterfront Residents’ Association monthly meeting held at the Nazzaro Community Center.
Following a lengthy discussion, NEWRA members, by a vote of 27-4 amended the Association’s Alcohol License and License Transfer Policy, paragraph 13 (b) Hours of Operation by 1, replacing the words "the hours of operation shall be no later than midnight" with "the hours of operation for new licenses and for licenses transferred into the neighborhood from outside the neighborhood shall be no later than 11pm Sunday through Thursday and no later than midnight on Friday and Saturday, and there shall be no extension of hours of operation for existing licenses or for licenses transferred within the neighborhood beyond the times allowed in the existing license" and 2, deleting the sentence "Additional restrictions may be appropriate in certain areas."
Also approved (30-1) was an amendment to NEWRA Policy on Neighborhood Notification by adding the following sentence at the end of Section 2: The written notification must be distributed so that it is received by neighbors no less than seven calendar days prior to the Zoning, Construction and Licensing Committee meeting at which the application will be presented."
The two amendments were recommended by NEWRA Executive Committee.
This month’s guest speaker Nina Zannieri, Executive Director of the Paul Revere House Museum, updated residents on the progress of ongoing expansion and conversion of the property at 5-6 Lathrop Place off Hanover Street.
A request by Damien Szary for alterations to the existing roof-top at 50 Snow Hill Street was taken off the agenda and rescheduled for the next Zoning, Licensing and Construction meeting on Tuesday, July 27 at 7pm at The Pilot House, 2 Atlantic Avenue.
Also tentatively on the committee’s agenda is a request by Vincent Ferrara to open a new restaurant at 76 Salem Street, formerly D’Amore’s Restaurant, LaBrace Restaurant and Paesano’s Restaurant. He also has applied for a Beer and Wine License.
Unless the applicant or the City requests a meeting with NEWRA, a proposed change to the Inn holders License at 70 Rowes Wharf (full, 7 day, 2am closure) with changes to the description of the outdoor service area, residents will not have the opportunity to discuss the request at a NEWRA or NEWNC public meeting.
Some other notes of interest were presented.
Nicole Leo of the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services advised the group that she now has access to the information provided on the Mayor’s 24 Hour Hotline. "Just give her a call," she said.
The membership committee announced that 368 North End/Waterfront residents belong to NEWRA.
Zoning, Licensing and Construction Committee co-chair David Kubiak gave a presentation on the BRA Greenway District Development Guidelines which will be presented at a public meeting on Monday, July 19 at 6pm at The Mariners House, 11 North Square.
"This is an important meeting for residents to attend," Kubiak said.
The next NEWRA monthly meeting will be held on Thursday, August 12 at 7pm in the Nazzaro Community Center.