Categories: Editorials


Low turnout for NEWNC election

A non-competitive North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) community election was held on Saturday, Ma 19 from 10 AM to 2 PM in the Nazzaro Community Center, 30 North Bennet Street with an extremely low turnout of residential voters, 107.

There where only five candidates competing for six open two-year terms on the Council, resulting in everyone on the ballot winning seats.

The Council acts as a liaison to City Hall relating to community issues and concerns. They are all volunteers and they meet once a month in the Center.

Last year, the same scenario occurred with only six candidates for six seats on the ballot, once again presenting no competition and all candidates captured seats on the Council. One of last year’s winners has resigned.

NEWNC, for many years, has been a community voice for the neighborhood. They have contributed to the well-being of the community.

However, based on the past two elections, there appears to be no real community interest in becoming a candidate or voting in the community election.

Something NEWNC should re-examine in their election policies to possibly attract more candidates and how to get more residents out and vote.

Others feel it has become clear that residents do not really care based on no interest to serve or vote in the community election.


K of C sale creates affordable housing

Building affordable housing, at the Knights of Columbus facility on North Margin Street, if it can be accomplished is an extremely positive idea. The structure has been basically ideal for many years and it’s time to transform the building into something useful that will benefit the community.

While providing affordable housing in the neighborhood is great, each occupied unit will come with a parking space, part of the agreement allows for space for a K of C headquarters. In addition, if occupants don’t need a space, they will be used for KFC parking and some residential spaces.

This project deserves community support.


BWSC positive recognition continues

Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC) continues to be knowledge by server agencies for a wide range of services.

A recent study released by J. D. Powers indicated that BWSC was ranked the highest in customer service, tied with Monroe County Water Authority in Rochester, New York.

The study measured satisfaction among residential customers of 88 water utilities delivering water to a population of at least 400,000 people in four geographic regions, Midwest, Northeast, and South and West.

MassDEP recently honored the Commission with the 2018 Public Water System for Outstanding Performance for drinking water and the Systems Taking Action to Reduce Lead (STARL) award in collaboration with Boston public schools.

In addition, BWSC won the Water Cup at the New England’s Best Drinking Taste Test.

This June, BSWC will compete for the American Water Works Association’s “Best of Best” annual drinking water competition.

BWSC is clearly on a positive role, hopefully the recognition for the commission continues to flow in the right direction.

Phil Orlandella

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