Attorney William Ferullo represented Frank DePasquale (seated) to expand restaurant space at 1-4 Mechanic Street.
Three requests were voted on at the North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council meeting held in the Nazzaro Community Center.
Several committee reports and other items of community interest were presented.
NEWNC supported a change of occupancy which included a beer and wine license from Ferrara’s to Urban Cantina at 76 Salem Street.
Also supported by NEWNC was a request by the owner of the property at 106 Prince Street to change the legal occupancy from 7 to 8 residential units.
A request by Frank DePasquale to change the use of a first floor apartment at 1-4 Mechanic Court (former Ida’s Restaurant) into additional restaurant use for 22 more seats indoors was also supported. The additional restaurant space will allow for bathrooms and handicap accessibility to the restrooms.
For informational purposes Jeanette Cataldo advised the Council she plans to open an interior design studio, Cataldo Interiors at 40-42 Prince Street.
A nice touch was added to the NEWNC meeting. A slide show of each presentation was shown making it much easier for those present to follow and understand each request.
Joseph L. Ruggiero, Coordinator of Government and Community Affairs for Suffolk University introduced himself. He noted he will be attending North End community meetings to learn about and hopefully fix any problems related to University students.
NEWNC Election Chair Maria Lanza updated residents on the group’s upcoming community elections to elect six of the twelve members. Each year half the Board must run for two-year terms.
“A candidate night will be held in the Nazzaro Community Center on May 12 at 7pm,” Lanza said. “Each qualified candidate will be permitted to address the meeting to introduce themselves and state their reasons for running,” she added.
Applications are available at the Nazzaro Community Center and must be returned with 40 signatures of residents by May 9. Candidates must be 18 years old or older.
The NEWNC elections will be held on Saturday, May 17 from 10am to 2pm. Only North End/Waterfront residents can vote. Residents do not have to be registered voters to participate in the election. Up to six candidates can be voted for. Votes will be counted publicly at the Center and winners will be announced the same day.
Nicole Leo of the Mayor’s Office reminded residents that the annual Boston Shines North End Cleanup project will take place on Saturday, May 10 from 9am to 12pm with a 8:30am check-in.
This year, Boston Shines will partner with the North End Chamber of Commerce for the majors streets and parks cleanup.
Responsible Urbanites For Fido (RUFF) will send a team of participants. Participants should meet at the Prado off of Hanover Street to pick up T-shirts, get assignments for teams and streets, and equipment provided by the City of Boston.
NEWNC President Philip Frattaroli reminded residents of the Taste of the North End event being held on Friday, May 2 at the Sterite Rink on Commercial Street.
Greenway NEWNC representative John Pregmon advised those in attendance that starting in July 2014, Park Ranges will be assigned to the public area. He also noted that the umbrellas have arrived and the fountain in the North End park will be repaired.
Public Safety Committee Chair David Marx reported that the North End man arrested for sexual assault was not charged for the Unity Street assault.
Leslie Horn and Amy Hand of RUFF presented in overview of a potential pilot program for a dog park on Parcel 12 on the Greenway.
RUFF has looked into other sites but has met resistance from abutters. Other sites posed a safety problem. RUFF pointed out that no tax dollars will be used to create a dog park. It will be privately funded.
It was also made public the Boston Parks Department cannot provide any funding for a dog park.
The site proposed is owned by MassDOT.
The next NEWNC monthly meeting will be held on Monday, May 12 at 7pm in the Nazzaro Community Center.
NEWNC President Philip Frattaroli encourages all residents to attend and express their opinions on agenda items before the Council.