Responsible Urbanites For Fido (RUFF) opened last week’s North End/Waterfront Residents’ Association monthly meeting with a presentation on the possibility of a pilot program for a dog park on the Greenway Parcel 12.
They also outlined what a permanent park would look like and what it would take to build and sustain it.
NEWRA President Jim Salini made it public that at the present time, the group was not interested in a merge with NEWNC, but they were willing to meet privately to further discuss the issue.
NEWNC President Philip Frattaroli spoke at the meeting outlining the merge details which were published in the March 11 issue of the Regional Review.
Due to a death in his family, the owner of Goody Glover on Salem Street could not attend the meeting. He has petitioned the Licensing Board for the City of Boston to extend the present 1am closing time to 2am, 7 days a week.
A request by Robert Dello Russo to construct a five-story building with four residential units and a roof deck at 210 Endicott Street was supported by NEWRA. Parking will be provided for the four occupants.
NEWRA tabled a request by Restaurant Rigoletto, 115-117 Salem Street to expand its occupancy and include restaurant use because the request was confusing and information was limited.
The next NEWRA monthly meeting will be held on Thursday, April 10 at 7pm in the Nazzaro Community Center.