It should be noted that the North End Chamber of Commerce is making every effort to become more and more involved with community activities.
One of the endeavors currently being planned is a major street clean-up in conjunction with the City of Boston involving Chamber members, volunteers and the Department of Public Works. The clean-up will most likely occur following the local feast activities.
The Chamber will also be working with the Italian Heritage Month Committee and the City of Boston to conduct a high class fashion show in the Prado with performances by Italian singers.
In addition, the Chamber will be once again working with the City of Boston to place banners on the poles along Hanover Street depicting Italian dignitaries like Christopher Columbus, Michelangelo and many others.
The Chamber and individual businesses have supported many neighborhood events and activities over the years. Probably not as many as residents may want but a significant amount none the less.
The business community and residents have been at odds for a long time.
There somehow has to be a happy medium and it’s clear the Chamber is taking the first giant step forward.